Sunday, July 20, 2008

Green Tip of the Week

A normal tree could take 50 to 100 years to reach full adulthood, therefore we have been cutting down forests to reach the demand of our paper supplies, furniture, construction, and even our hard wood flooring. Although replanting the forests is one step, another green design technique would be to invest in bamboo wood flooring. Bamboo is a plant that is extremely abundant, and grows at incredible rates, taking only days to sprout 3 feet. With this in mind, many consider bamboo to be a renewable source for its ability to rapidly grow. Bamboo floors are just as strong as many hard wood floors, plus they add a unique element to your home that gives an older room a new look. If you are thinking about remodeling, or just changing your floors, look into the bamboo solution? This concludes my first Green Tip of the Week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love bamboo it is so cool that you can now do bamboo floors!!!!!