Monday, July 21, 2008

Flying in fashion

Lets face it, air travel has become the most UN-luxurious form of travel possible, but many of us cannot live without it. With airlines charging you 15 dollars to check one bag, having to wait in long security lines, and, oh yeah, they took away your one free meal, they have taken away any feeling of importance! Well my friends it is time to take matter into your own hands! The idea is simple, "picnic on the plane" of course the food is expensive, but there is no way out of paying it! When I was at O'Hare airport in Chicago, I noticed this little stand, called CIBO express. The little market carried gourmet food items including: fancy chocolates, fresh fruit, sandwiches, unique chip brands, high end water, and world sweets. Instead of purchasing the mass items on the plane for a light lunch, I bought a couple of items from this gourmet stand. I had a tomato mozzarella wrap, bagel chips, and to top it off a mini Toberlone bar. The key is to also take advantage of your one free drink. So when the beverage cart passed by, I pulled out my items, and had myself a nice little picnic that I knew I would enjoy. Not only was it enjoyable, but it also passes some time on the plane, and makes you feel just as good as anyone up in first class (except for the cramped legroom and the children screaming behind you). So take the power back when it comes to dining on the plane, and don't be nickeled and dimed out of a good meal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really good idea, I have never really thought about bringing food onto the plane, I have always just wolfed it down in the airport haha