Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Green Media

Going green has become a gimmick in which everyone has jumped on the bandwagon. Now the television has gone green with a new network devoted to bringing the public green news. Planet Green, takes a look at the color green and makes it the new pink by demonstrating green in a more trendy way. Personally, I think it is great to see people trying to make their statement about living better and a more conscious lifestyle, but it also bugs me when a mission statement is poorly followed. After doing some research about Planet Green, I have seen some awesome demonstrations of going green, and I have also seen very pathetic attempts. Their market is trying to appeal to the younger generations, using celebrities to create the stir. For example, one of their new series called Battle Ground Earth has Ludacris battling Tommy Lee Jones on who can be "greener". The mission is for two artists to raise awareness about our environment and promote a green lifestyle. The concept is strong, but it will be interesting to see how well it holds up. There are other parts of Planet Green, which are not so motivational, for example: Who's Greener: Paris Hilton, or an Umbrella? I wonder how inspirational this article has been in the public eye. The other downside is that Planet Green only operates on select channels, which limits a huge population from viewing the new station. It will be interesting to see the impact of Planet Green on American's lifestyles, but any way to promote a green lifestyle is a positive effort. I am just hoping that Planet Green stays true to its name, and does not stray to far off the green trail.

To visit: Planetgreen.com

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