Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tropicana, Shaking it Up

Every morning millions of Americans wake up, go into their fridge, and pull out the container of Orange Juice for their morning drink. One morning I followed this same routine, and found that something was different! What stood before me was this sleek and curvy container, and labeled on the side Tropicana Orange Juice. I was stunned seeing this sculpted object carrying the very same juice I drink every morning. When first analyzing the design, I thought it resembled the newer laundry detergent bottles, but then after further studying its shape, the container resembled a pitcher. The design replaces the older screw on cap with a new and easier flip open top. when picked up the container has a more ergonomic feel, and many have commented on how the bottle feels lighter and easier to hold. Pouring also has improved due to the new containers weight distribution (40/60*) allowing the container to not get too heavy at the top when pouring. This new Tropicana container does have an eye catching appearance that stands out from its competitors on the shelf. There are some draw backs to the design, for one I believe that the redesigned package has allowed tropicana to reduce some of its orange juice contents, and also the flip open top does not hold up well for the extreme shaker (as I have discovered the top opens and spills orange juice all over the floor when not held tight). The new tropicana container design may not be the most ground breaking news, but in the world of design it is great to see Orange Juice companies shaking it up and taking design seriously. It is the little things that we may take for granted of, but in the end this new Tropicana bottle effects millions of people every morning when one goes to get their start of the day glass of Orange Juice.

*estimated percentages

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cute! i agree... this is a good design. thanks for bringing it to my attention.