Monday, July 14, 2008

Relay for Life

Yesterday I had the opportunity to be involved in The Relay for Life. The reason I have decided to put this blog post up is because of the way the relay for life is designed. The Relay for Life is ran for the American Cancer Society to raise funds for research to find the cure. The reason why i support The Relay is for its ability to create an interactive environment, where people walk around a track for 12 hours out of their day, to demonstrate the strength of battling cancer. Tents are then pitched in the center of the track, in which people create fun environments for their teams including: food, chairs, games, laughs, and an overall good time. The best part about the event is that it raises money! Last night we raised about 146,000 dollars, where the Lake County area has almost raised 1 million dollars this year for cancer research. The event is designed well for its ability to make charity fun, and overall that is what makes The Relay for Life so successful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ross...I'm proud of you for doing this event for so many years running! Congratulations on a job well done. MaryEllen