Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Iphone 3G dates Iphone?

I have been an Iphone enthusiast since the initial press release of apple's newest gadget. I was caught up in all the buzz, made sure I was going to be one of the first to have it, and (shamelessly saying) was willing to spend 600 bucks for it. This was a year ago, which does not sound that ancient, but in the digital world one year represents a decade. Now, everyone has heard, Apple has launched the only phone to "beat" the Iphone, and that is the Iphone 3G. I am too an owner of the new Iphone although, I happened to stumble upon one without having to purchase a new phone (to keep it simple, my Dad wanted the new Iphone but he was not eligible for an upgrade and I was). I have had the phone for about 4 days now, and I have to say Apple has done it again, the phone carries over the easy to use interface with a hi-tech core demonstrated in the first Iphone. The phone is even sleeker than its predecessor with crisper edges and a plastic back that is offered in black or white. The Iphone 3G now operates on ATT's faster 3G network offering better signal, and much faster downloads. One other key difference is its more sophisticated navigation system, which tracks and moves with your phone every step of the way. The most important upgrade is the new Application Store added to the Iphone, which allows software developers to work with the Iphone technology to provide different applications for the phone. For example many new games take advantage of the accelerometer in the iphone to allow you to tilt the screen to play, and many applications use the navigation system to find close restaurants or entertainment venues. The Application Store is really what is the main driver of keeping the Iphone on top of its game. Now the biggest question, is the Iphone 3G that much better than the original Iphone? My answer is NO. If I did not have that situation, I would not have gone out and bought the new Iphone, and here is why. All older Iphones where given the upgrade to the 2.0 software, which gives them the opportunity to download the applications using the Application Store, and also the newer upgrades to some of the existing applications. Therefore the main driver behind the Iphone 3G's success is offered also on the older phone. As for the faster network, I find myself shutting it off most the time because it eats away at my battery life, causing me to run out of juice midday. Although the new phone is only $199 (8GB) $299 (16GB), I really do not feel like it is worth the hassle to sign up for a new plan, considering the old Iphone is given all of the new software updates as the current phone. On a final note, YES the Iphone has made huge cutting-edge advancements in the cell phone industry and stands above the rest, but NO the Iphone 3G does not yet date the Iphone. So save your money current Iphone users, because in a year Apple will be at it again, and my guess is the next Iphone will be one for the record books (not like the older ones were not).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new Iphone it is so beautiful. I really want one! being a first time buyer I wouldn't be upgrading, so I wouldn't be spending an extra 299 haha